Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today I'm gonna talk about baseball. I like baseball it is a fun sport but I'm going to talk about the MLB. Joba Chamberlain just got put in the starting rotation for the Yankees. A-Rod came back on the same day and hit two home runs against the Orioles. I hope the Yankees get first in the Easter Conference and the Red Sox get last because they beat the Rockies in the world series.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

my summer plans

This summer I'm going to go to a basketball camp at BHSU in june with two of my friends. Then I'm going to go golf. I always go swimming and probably wont be home at all. I will do other things but thats all im doing in the summer.

Monday, May 19, 2008

current news

This was the most random thing that poped up in my mind but here it goes. The next new avatar is on July 21, 2008. He is in the fire nation and is tring to kill the fire lord so they wont get killed. That is a cartoon on Nick. Lots of children watch that show.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the most interesting thing about my family

Do you want to know the most interesting thing about my family. It is that we are all athletic. My whole family is athletic my grandparents played sports, my aunts uncles cousins and my parents played sports. That is a lot of people who play sports in my family. My Uncle played for Wyoming but hurt his knee and didn't play. My mom got a scholarship to BHSU and played basketball for two years. My dad was quarterback for his high school team and was great. He was very fast and could throw a ball well. my parents were three sport athletes. I feel lucky do have an athletic family because I couldn't do anything if I didn't have an athletic family. I play basketball track baseball and football. I like those sports because my parents played them and they taught me to play them. I like sports because they are active. I like contact sports so you can hit people without getting penalized. Basketball and track are the least contact sports I play so they are kind of boring.

Monday, May 12, 2008

my news artical

This sunday was mothers day. So me and my dad made breakfast for my mom. We made her favorite breakfast. It was pancakes and eggs. She was hapy when she got breakfast because it was her favorite breakfast. Then later that day we went to my aunts house in Wyoming. She is my favorite aunt I have. She is thirty years old. I make fun of her and she tries to chase me but I'm faster than her. We had to drive a long way to get there. My family lives in Ohio. It was nice to see my family there. Then we went golfing. They have a very nice golf course. The greens are really nice. They have a good roll and makes it easier to putt. Then we went back to Ohio because I had to go to school. Now I'm back in Ohio and happy because my friends are here and I'm home. Then we went and saw the rest of my family at my other aunts house. There was a lot of people there. It was fun going to Wyoming There wasn't a lot of traffic, big buildings and the air is cleaner. My family cooks a lot of food and Im forced to eat it. There is cheerios and orange juice so im fine while I'm there.

Friday, May 9, 2008

my crippled friends

Guess what I have two crippled friends. One of them broke the little bone behind the big bone in your shin. The other one tore a ligiment in her ankel. So I have two crippled friends one has a boot and one has crutches. Bye my crippeld friends rock.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Tomorrow is distric track. I am excited for it because we are gonna win it all. This is going to be very exciting and scary I can't wait for tomorrow bye